Business administration is a broad field that includes many different roles, professional settings and opportunities for growth. In simple terms, business administration is the work of managing an organization's resources, time and people.
Business administration professionals work to ensure that businesses and organizations are run effectively, efficiently and profitably. This is a balancing act that requires knowledge and skills in a range of disciplines.
Working in business administration requires quantitative skills and "soft skills" such as communicating ideas, influencing others, giving feedback and making effective and informative presentations. Business professionals generally need at least a basic understanding of accounting, finance, marketing, human resources and information technology, and they often specialize in a practice area.
People who are successful in business must also be clear and effective communicators. Business administration very frequently calls for working in teams and on collaborative projects. Handling the workload is only part of the challenge: being a team member your peers and supervisors can count on is a crucial part of business success.
The Business Studies department at Midland College provides programs and courses that prepare students for entry level positions in business industries, and careers in management and administration positions. These courses prepare students for the private, nonprofit, and public sectors of business. Two academic pathway options are available; that which transfers to senior colleges/universities and that which transfers to Midland College’s Bachelor of Applied Technology in Organizational Management.
For students planning to transfer from Midland College to a senior college for their Bachelor’s degree and who meet the requirement for a degree, an Associate of Arts degree in General Studies with Business Administration emphasis will be awarded. It is strongly recommended and encouraged that students contact their Pathways Advisor for assistance with course selection if they plan to transfer.
After completing the 60 hours of transferable credits, students should be able to transfer to any senior college as a Junior and complete their business courses, earning a Bachelor’s degree in business. Areas of specialization, such as accounting or finance, may require additional coursework which is determined by the college receiving the transfer. Midland College has articulation agreements with a variety of schools to assist our students with their transfer. Specific business areas of academic training include business principles, accounting, economics and business computer applications.