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A guide to journal content relevant to the subject including starting points, research tips and links to journal databases and websites.

Database List

Mathematics Top Databases

The following databases are recommended when searching for Mathematic articles.  They have been put in order of relevancy.  In other words, start at the top database and work your way down.  Generally, you should be able to find everything you need for your Mathematic assignments within the first few databases! 

Click the links below to access them.  You may be prompted for your Midland College (MC1) username and password.  Your username will be your student ID, followed by  For example:  Your password will be the same as your MC1 and Canvas passwords.  If you have any difficulty accessing or searching the databases, please contact the Library.

Physical Books

Refer to the following call numbers for physical books addressing various historical topics.

  • QA = Mathematics


Mind Map

OER Resources

These databases are a good starting point for finding OER course/research material on Math.